Court Ordered Programs, Inc.
Court Ordered Programs was established in 2010 in an effort to bridge policy, practice and research nationwide throughout the vast spectrum of family violence intervention including chemical dependency and criminal behavior. Having come to the realization that most State Certified Programs in the nation are running on old, outdated, inadequate and ineffective intervention programs with information established in the 1990’s, Court Ordered Programs began a search to find a newly established, most recently resourced, well networked, and a high tech program provider to delegate data collection and program development through their recognized Evaluation Framework.
Program Provider Certification
Association of Batterers' Intervention Programs
Domestic Abuse Intervention Certification
Certification Batterers Intervention Facilitator
Batterers Intervention Facilitator
Complete Provider Certification List Below
Court Ordered Programs Certifications
Within a few weeks Court Ordered Programs acquired an already well established and highly acclaimed intervention and treatment provider named “Court Ordered Classes.” Court Ordered Classes was developed in 2007 to assist those who were physically unable to make it to their local classrooms to be able to get the services and intervention that they needed. These persons may have been handicapped, mentally ill, incarcerated, or they may have been hundreds of miles from any intervention program provider, and, in some cases, public figures, professional athletes or other celebrities that may have otherwise disrupted the classroom by merely their presence. Their technologically advanced “live group meeting” software allows course instructors to have classroom style group sessions with participants from all over the nation (students from Los Angeles, New York, Alaska, Hawaii and so on) to teach and collect in-debt information, while bringing a multitude of diverse cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, lifestyles and other differences, together for one common cause in one class. This “live group meeting” adheres to and surpasses all State standards and laws regarding Domestic Violence, Batterers Intervention, Anger Management, Child Endagerment / Abuse, Parenting, Drug & Alcohol Programs and has since been put to use by many of the Family, Drug and Criminal Courts throughout the Nation.
It is because of such innovations that Court Ordered Programs Inc. and their distance-learning programs DBA Court Ordered Classes have received dozens of endorsements from Judges and Family/Children’s Court Referees and hundreds of endorsements from social workers, probation and parole officers, case mangers, lawyers and public defenders on our LinkedIn page.
Court Programs Provided By Each State
Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - Wahington DC - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming
Association of Batterers' Intervention Programs
Certification Batterers Intervention Facilitator
Batterers Intervention Facilitator
CCAPP Povider Addiction Program Professionals
Recognition from Congress
Certificate of Recognition by State Assembly
Outstanding Contribution in Minority Small Group Participation
Certificate of Recognition California Senate
Award - Emotional Health Association
Commendation Los Angeles County
Domestic & Partner Violence Certification IN
Domestic Violence Curriculum Certificate
Domestic Violence Curriculum Certificate
American Society of Addiction Medicine
Drug-Free-World Education
Domestic Abuse Intervention Certification
Domestic & Partner Violence Certification EA
CAARR Institute
Creating a Domestic Violence Court Certificate
Domestic Violence Curriculum Certificate
Alternatives to Violence
Alternatives to Violence
Association of Batterers' Intervention Programs
Association of Batterers' Intervention Programs
Certification "Love in Action"
Specialist in Alcohol and Drug Studies
Behavioral Science Regulatory Board
Oklahoma Board of Examiners Certification
Kansas Department of Behavior Sciences
Parenting Behavior Management
National Anger Management Association
Criminal Behavior Management
Court Ordered Programs Documents
Court Ordered Programs Documents
Court Ordered Programs Documents
Court Ordered Programs Documents
Probation Approved Provider Listings Since 2015
Commendation Los Angeles County