New Mexico Court Ordered Program Provider

New Mexico

State Of New Mexico Probation & Parole Supervisory Tools.

Officer Registration & Log-In

All Officers, Court Officials, DCFS Social Workers, Pretrial Reps, Judges and other Court Officials in the State of New Mexico may obtain a Supervisory or "Officer" Account to monitor those registrants that have been assigned to them from enrollment to completion of the program.

New Mexico Programs Provided - Additional Web-Casted Group Services

We are a Brick & Mortar Program Provider. A Certified and Accredited Program with Live, In-Person Classroom Style, Video Group Sessions. We are currently in our 18th year with now over 14,500 probationers/parolees in our database, 12,100 of which who have successfully completed and satisfied their court orders through our program. The managing staff at Court Ordered Programs has developed exceptional and technologically advanced programs and “Advanced Learning System - Live WebCasted Classroom Groups” that they have implemented in their school side campus CourtOrderedClasses. This is not the make believe on-line program that others offer on CD’s and word documents. These “live webcasted group meetings” adhere to and surpass all State standards and laws regarding Domestic Violence, Batterers Intervention, Anger Management, Child Endagerment / Abuse, Parenting, Drug & Alcohol Programs and Court Ordered Classes has since been put to use by many Children's, Family, Drug and Criminal Courts throughout the Nation.

Sona Nardos New Mexico Credentialing Coordinator

Under the guidance of the Clinical Director and the Commissioner, the Credentialing Coordinator is responsible for the timely gathering, reviewing and compiling of provider application information to be submitted to the appropriate credentialing agency. Elesia Quinerly (VanBuren) also Assigns & Facilitates WebCasted Program Groups and One-on-One Assessments under Chief Facilitator supervision.

Department Contact Information Email: docs@cop‐ Direct (540) 940-3647

All of our other provided programs from DV/BIP to DEJ and Anger Management or Criminal Behavior Modification, Shoplifting, High Conflict Parenting, Divorce, and our new Juvenile Betterment Program follow the same standards and video group participation requirements with material from this decade. We encourage you to take a closer look and explore our many programs and initiatives as a resource to you in your intervention and prevention efforts.

For More Information or Addition Questions Court Officials Only can reach us using our direct Officer/Court line at (916) 900-6166.


Many departments are trying to adjust to the changing times at hand and in many cases there are even less options today than ever before. We understand and that is why we are here.

- National Program Director, COP

There is a New Psychology and by immersing it in the technological advances of today the bar has been set so high the results being achieved are groundbreaking.

We look forward to speaking with you personally. Until then please look around and learn more about us and the work we do. Today like never before we can provide solutions that resolve many of the issues your department has had trouble with in the past, and this is why we are here.

Notice to defendants: Currently there many standards for domestic violence, batterers intervention and deferred entry of judgment program requirements; it is your responsibility to confirm with the judge, probation, or your attorney as to whether a distance-learning or "At-Home" court ordered program will meet your requirements. See if your Domestic Violence Program or Batterers' Intervention Program requires your judges consent under special circumstance.

Inessa Nazaryan New Mexico Supervising Executive Case Manager

Provides executive supervision for all operations and caseloads of Court Ordered Programs office with emphasis on the oversight of written and/or oral reports prepared for judicial officers.

Oversees all Documentation Presented by the Program to State or County Courthouses and Officials.... Read more

Prevention Mission - State of New Mexico

Domestic Violence Prevention Mission 11 July, 2007

We work to stop domestic violence. We do this one man at a time, one woman at a time, and one child at a time, using our proven counseling and educational programs. To stop domestic violence, we also work to prevent it. We do this with individuals through counseling and education, through anger management classes, through drug and alcohol abuse classes, but also by working closely with partner organizations throughout each and every community throughout the United States. Court Ordered Program’s partnerships with community and policy leaders, with higher education, with the law enforcement and court systems, and with human service organizations, have helped strengthen each community’s response to domestic violence on a daily basis.

Programs Provided for Courthouses Listed Below